This is such a wonderful article about a bright mind that doesn't get enough spotlight. While most focus on her "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman," I love that you took a more personal, intimate approach. I love reading the letters and journals of thinkers and writers because it offers a window that is often not found in their published works. And I am looking forward to purchasing Solitary Walker. The majority of what I read is non-fiction so I look forward to the changeup. Thank you for publishing such an enlightening piece!

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Thank you so much, Rebecca. I hope you enjoy Solitary Walker. The novel closely aligns to the actual events and timeline of Mary's life. Like you, I like reading the letters and journals of great thinkers and writers. Such intimate details give us the opportunity to see deeply into who they were at their core.

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The novel's title grabbed me immediately. I so look forward to reading it! I am glad to see Wollstonecraft getting the attention her mind deserves :)

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My thoughts exactly. It's high time she gets some love. I've been amazed at how many women have never heard of her but want to after hearing about the novel.

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That is wonderful you are introducing her to new people! It's important work you are doing :)

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Extraordinary and poignant essay. I certainly shall save up for the book. Might I encourage you to write about Mary’s influence on Godwin and such for my Woldwinite Wednesday series I plan to start in April? Or perhaps about such ideas as reason and sensibility as such folks defined them? It’s wonderful to be introduced to someone versed in Mary’s letters!

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I absolutely would be interested. Mary very much influenced Godwin. His writing changed, as did his approach to life in general. But the topic about reason versus sensibility frequently came up in her letters or was at least alluded to, so that might be my preferred topic. Let me know if you'd like me to proceed with writing an essay.

For fun, here is a short excerpt from Solitary Walker. This happens to be at the dinner hosted by Joseph Johnson where Mary and Godwin spar across the table. Mary is talking to a room full of men, but her comments are targeted at Godwin.

"What we have is a gap between reason and sentiment. We parcel everything so that men are associated with reason and women with sentimentality. Men should not have to dress up feeling with reason any than women should have to dress up reason with feeling. No wonder men and women have difficulty understanding each other. I intend to propose a different set of norms."

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